Lecturer for the History and Theory of Urban Design IUL/Institute Urban Landscape ZHAW
​05/23 Received DFF Funding (Digital Futures Fund, ZHAW Digital) to explore the public digital 3D model of the city of Winterthur and its participatory potential. Project development of an app with the 3D model is in progress. More soon... https://www.zhaw.ch/en/about-us/news/news-releases/news-detail/event-news/digital-sustainable-12-new-dff-projects/
01/23 New position as Lecturer for the History and Theory of Urban Design at the Department of Architecture ZHAW - IUL/Institute Urban Landscape.
11/22 Presenting my paper In the Eye of the Beholder: New Techniques of Representation for Public Urban Scale Models at the conference "Are You a Model?" which will take place in Darmstadt from 2 to 4 November 2022. Thanks for the invitation!
09/22 New Book out! Agadir : Building the Modern Afropolis. Edited with Tom Avermaete and published with Park Books.
06/22 Maxime Zaugg was invited as a guest for the final presentation of the "W-L2 urban planning" spring semester seminar "Let's build a Metaverse" at the ZHAW Winterthur, Architecture, Design and Civil Engineering.
04/22 Presentation of the Paper ‘Stadtplanung geht uns alle an’ (urban planning concerns us all) and Berlin’s Vitrinen from 1957-1960 at the SAH 2022 Annual International Conference in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania.
01/22 Publication of DU 910 | December 2021 /January 2022, Städtebau, Die Rückkehr des grossen Plans, ISBN:978-3-907315-09-5, Edited by Prof. Dr. Tom Avermaete. Luca Can und Maxime Zaugg, Die Werkzeuge einer neuen Wirklichkeit.
11/21 The Projet Urbain of Euralille : Urban Scale Models and the Public". Paper presented at the conference ‘Histories of Urban Design: Global Trajectories and Local Realities’ 15-17 November 2021, ETH Zurich
10/21 Guided Tour at Grafische Sammlung ETH Zürich. The Hidden Horizontal: Cornices in Art and Architecture and the publication of - GTA PAPERS issue no. 4 (2021): THE CORNICE / DAS GESIMS; Le Corbusier and the cornice. Maxime Zaugg.
07/21 Invited guest for Master Studio Urban Project at the Institute for Urban Landscape, Zürcher Hochschule für Angewandte Wissenschaften (ZHAW) with Prof. Dr. Andri Gerber and Prof. Reto Pfenninger
06/21 Organisation and coordination of Schwerpunkte 9, On Authorship.
06/21 Publication in: GTA PAPERS special edition: Social Distance, Spatial specificities of the balcony: between exposure &enclosure. In Collaboration with the Chair of the History and Theory of Urban Design. Collaborative Article.
05/21 Colloquium Writing Model Histories with Prof. Dr. Thea Brejzek, Prof. Dr. Mari Lending, Dr. Matthew Wells, Prof. Dr. Janina Gosseye and Prof. Dr. Tom Averamete.
05/21 Maxime Zaugg has been elected president of the AAA (Association of Assistants at the Department of Architecture ETHZ)
02/21 Guest Lecture “The Balcony: Means of Exploring an Urban Element” at Lucerne University of Applied Sciences and Arts. Technology & Architecture.
01/21 Maxime Zaugg has been awarded a Gill Family Foundation Fellowship for the 74th SAH 2021 Virtual International Conference.
12/20 Contribution to the December 2020 NSL Newsletter on Communication and Mediation "Exploring Urban Scale Models" by Maxime Zaugg
10/20 Guest Lecture for TACK Konvolutt preparation seminar: Mediation, modelling and Practice in Architecture and Urbanism.
09/20 Teaching the Fachsemester “Unlocking the Zürich Commons” HS21 and the Grundlagen course "Fundamentals of the History and Theory of Architecture I+II" HS 2021 has started!
08/20 The paper elaborated together with Prof. Dr. Janina Gosseye “The Emergence of Urban Design and the Public Agency of the Maquette“ for the SAH 2021 Annual Conference in Montréal is accepted!
07/20 The paper “The General Motors Futurama Exhibition: Representing a Vision of Mobility using the Performative Capacities of Urban Scale Models.” for the European Association for Urban History (EAUH) Conference “Cities in Motion” will be presented in September 2021.