Dr. Maxime Zaugg is an architect and senior lecturer for the History and Theory of Urban Design at the Department of Architecture ZHAW, IUL (Institute Urban Landscape). His PhD entitled “Exploring Public Urban Models” examined how strong performative and participative capacities have enabled urban scale models to play a key role in urban planning, focusing particularly on the period from the late 1960s to the early 1990s. Maxime Zaugg founded the practice STUDIO (2017) which mediates between architecture and the city applying different media and tools and contributes to competitions, urban research, workshops, and realizations.
Zaugg, Maxime, 2024. In the eye of the beholder : new techniques of representation for public urban scale models. In: Meister, Anna-Maria; Fankhänel, Teresa; Beißwanger, Lisa; Dähne, Chris; Fülscher, Christiane; Schubert, Anna Luise, eds., Are You a Model? On an Architectural Medium of Spatial Exploration. Berlin: JOVIS. pp. 64-67.
Zaugg, Maxime, 2024. Gespielter Dialog : play the city mit Ekim Tan. Werk, Bauen + Wohnen. 2024(5). Available from: https://www.wbw.ch/de/online/artikel/52024-gespielter-dialog.html
Zaugg, Maxime, 2023. Talking Urban Scale Models : Les Halles Redevelopment Project in Paris and its Public Exhibitions (1968-1982). Livraisons d'Histoire de l'Architecture: Exposer l'architecture I. Available from: https://doi.org/10.4000/lha.9582
Zaugg, Maxime, 2023. Scaling up public participation in urban design : lessons from the ZAC Mont Hermé case study and the role of physical urban scale models [Paper]. In: Symposium of Urban Design History and Theory, Delft, The Netherlands, 1-3 November 2023.
Zaugg, Maxime, 2023. Arteplagemodell Swiss National Expo 02. In: Exhibition “Unausgesprochenes Wissen / Unspoken Knowledge / Le (savoir) non-dit”, Communities of Tacit Knowledge Architecture and its Ways of Knowing, ETH Zürich, Schweiz, 19.-21. Juni 2023.
Avermaete, Tom; Zaugg, Maxime, eds., 2022. Agadir : Building the Modern Afropolis. 1st edition. Zürich: Park Books. ISBN 978-3-03860-276-7. (Auch veröffentlicht als *Agadir : la construction d'une Afropole moderne * (French, 2023) und *أغادير: بناء مدينة أفروبوليس الحديثة* (Arabic, 2023), Azigzago Verlag, Marokko.)
Zaugg, Maxime, 2022. In the eye of the beholder : new techniques of representation for public urban scale models [Paper]. In: Internationale Konferenz "Are You a Model?", Technische Universität Darmstadt, Deutschland, 2.-4. November 2022.
Zaugg, Maxime, 2022. ‘Stadtplanung geht uns alle an’ (urban planning concerns us all) and Berlin’s Vitrinen from 1957-1960 [Paper]. In: Society of Architectural Historians (SAH) 75th International Conference, Pittsburgh, USA, 27 April - 1 May 2022.
Zaugg, Maxime, 2021. The Projet Urbain of Euralille : urban scale models and the public [Paper]. In: ‘Histories of Urban Design: Global Trajectories and Local Realities’ Conference, ETH Zürich, Switzerland, 15-17 November 2021.
Gosseye, Janina; Zaugg, Maxime, 2021. The emergence of urban design and the public agency of the maquette [Paper]. In: Society of Architectural Historians (SAH) 74th International Conference, online, 13-17 April 2021.
Zaugg, Maxime, 2021. Le Corbusier’s cornice. gta papers. (6), pp. 85-91. Available from: https://doi.org/10.54872/gta-pap-6
Can, Luca; Zaugg, Maxime, 2022. Die Werkzeuge einer neuen Wirklichkeit. Du - das Kulturmagazin. (910), pp. 54-63.
Zaugg, Maxime. 2021. Ausstellung in der Grafischen Sammlung ETH Zürich. “Die unterschätzte Horizontale. Das Gesims in Kunst und Architektur”, 25.08 - 14.11. Zürich
Zaugg, Maxime, 2021. Spatial specificities of the balcony: between exposure & enclosure in: GTA-Papers special edition: Social Distance, collaborative article. ISBN 978-3-85676-415-9.
Zaugg, Maxime, 2021. “The Balcony. A Zurich Lexicon”, mit Tom Avermaete, Sara Frikech, Maaike Goedkoop,Hamish Lonergan, Hans Teerds, (Zurich: Chair of the History and Theory of Urban Design/Institute for the History and Theory of Architecture (gta), 2021).
Zaugg, Maxime, 2020. “Exploring Urban Scale Models” (Online, Zürich: NSL, Netzwerk Stadt und Landschaft) Beitrag für vierteljährlich erscheinenden Newsletter 48, Dezember 2020: Communication/Mediation.
Zaugg, Maxime. 2015. “Einfach Basel, Die Perlen der Stadt”, Little Stories, Text und Fotografie.
2020-2022: Active member and from 2021 President of the AAA (Association of Assistants at the Department of Architecture) at ETH Zurich
2020-2021: Representative and coordinator of the gta-Invites lecture series, ETH Zurich
Awards and Fellowships:
-Gill Family Foundation Fellowship for the SAH 2021 74th Annual International Virtual Conference.

Lecturer for the History and Theory of Urban Design IUL/Institute Urban Landscape ZHAW

The Urban Scale Model of the Project of Les Halles. Paris, 1968. (Photo by Georges Melet/Paris Match) © Getty Images